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Westminster - Hansard

Hansard provides a clear and unbiased record of the proceedings of the House of Commons, House of Lords and Standing Committees. The report of the day's sittings, which can go on until 1.00 or 2.00am in the morning, is on Member's breakfast tables the next day without fail. Hansard is a full report, in the first person, of all speakers although it does not always report every word said by a Member. Members are not allowed to make alterations of substance or add anything to their speeches.

The Official Record can be traced back to 1803 when reporters were first allocated seats in the public gallery of the House of Commons. In 1811 the process was taken over by Thomas Hansard - the printer to the House of Commons and whose name was adopted for official reports throughout the world.

Annual Subscriptions

House of Commons

The Official Report of the House of Commons is a record of debates held in Parliament. Hansard provides a clear and independent record of parliamentary proceedings in the Commons, with many subjects ...more

  • Published: N/A
  • Sub. No.: 7002001
  • £865.00

House of Lords

The official report of the House of Lords is a record of debates held on a particular day, and also includes Written Answers to questions put by members to various ministers and government departments. Hansard provides a clear and independent record of parliamentary proceedings in the Lords, with many subjects ...more

  • Published: N/A
  • Sub. No.: 7002004
  • £600.00
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